Global Oneness Day

Today people in 25 countries around the world are celebrating Global Oneness Day. In churches, in outdoor gatherings, in halls and on teleconferences, we are affirming the belief that we are each part of the unity of all life.

So often we define ourselves by the ways in which we are separate and different from our fellow humans. This “difference consciousness” makes it possible for us to tolerate war, famine, and oppression. It perpetuates crime, and bullying, discrimination and abuse. Our alienation from the natural world makes it possible for us to turn our heads as our environment deteriorates.

In fact, our sense of separateness creates an isolation that is the cause of most of the pain in the world.

Today we can choose to see beyond that isolation. Today we can close our eyes and breathe in the understanding that we are all part of each other, and as humans, we are all part of the beautiful natural world we have been given. Today we can open our hearts to each other, and to the earth.

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