3 Steps to Make Your New Year’s Wishes Come True

Some of us make New Year’s resolutions. Some of us set goals for the new year. Beneath both lie our wishes, what in our heart of hearts we hope will be painted on the blank canvas that is 2011.

These New Year’s wishes are powerful, because they are driven by our desire. It is sometimes said that Spirit reveals to us what it wants us to accomplish in the world by giving us desire. Do you have a wish for greater prosperity? Do you wish for better family relationships, or for a partner to love? Is your earnest wish for great health? If the things for which you are wishing are essentially good, it’s time to accept those wishes as your Divine guidance.

Our wishes are powerful, if we honor them and take them seriously. Right now I am joining my energy with yours, and I am seeing all your New Year’s wishes come true. Here are three steps to make that happen. To complete the steps, you’ll need some loose paper and a notebook. An inexpensive three hole bound notebook is fine, or you can use something fancier.

I suggest you approach these three steps as a ritual. You can do them by yourself, or you can do them with your significant other, or a friend.

1. Release

Whatever in your life didn’t work in 2010, it’s time to let it go. Perhaps you’ve had financial problems; a lot of people suffered economically last year. Maybe you lost your job, or even your home. Maybe an important relationship ended.

Take a piece of paper, and cut it into strips. On each strip, write down one painful thing you experienced in 2010. Write it all down, every single difficult event.

I lost a close friend to cancer. I had a knee injury – a disconcerting experience because it was the first time my body ever proved less than completely reliable. I saw two of my children and a grandchild through deeply traumatic events. Elderly cousins I’ve always loved (and by extension, their children) terminated our relationship. It wasn’t personal, they said; the decision sprang from painful interactions they’d had decades ago with my parents. They’d been remembering, and they decided to make a break with our part of the family. I’ve been confused and sad and hurt, and of course it brought back all the chaos of my very difficult childhood.

I’m writing each of those down today on my slips of paper, along with everything else that comes to mind.

When you feel you’ve gotten everything out of your heart and onto paper, find a metal or ceramic bowl. Put the slips of paper into the bowl and burn them. Release each of those painful events, thank them for what they taught you, and let them go. The past is over.

2. Celebrate

Now take your notebook, and write down everything that happened in 2010 for which you are grateful.

I have much to celebrate. My husband cared for me when I was helpless for a week after my knee surgery. That experience deepened the trust and joy that continues to grow year between us year after year. I have a big, loving family that is a constant source of support to me, and all of us to each other. One of our sons finished his degree, and my daughter, a single mother, was able to go back to school. Two of our nieces moved out on their own to begin their grownup lives. We had a beautiful new grandson.

I’m writing down each of these, and many, many more wonderful things I experienced in 2010.

Spend some time on your list. The more we grateful we are for the good things, the more good comes into our lives. Then put down your notebook, and allow yourself to celebrate. Thank God (however you conceive of God) for the richness of your life. Close your eyes and allow yourself to feel the happiness.

3. Visualize

Pick your notebook back up, and on a blank page write:

“I decree this or something better, for the highest good of all concerned, in Divine timing.”

Now write down every one of your New Year’s wishes. Write them as simple, straightforward positive statements, each separated by a line. Here are some examples:

I have a high, ongoing, dependable income.

My income always exceeds my needs and desire.

I am happily married. (Note: If you’re now single, don’t write, “I am happily married to Fred, or Wilma.” Let the Universe bring you what you desire, and don’t put any conditions on it.)

I am healthy.

I am my correct, healthy weight.

I am optimistic in every aspect of my life.

And so on. My list will have things in common with your list, and some of our wishes will be different. Don’t write down what other people think you should do or have. This is YOUR wish list.

A good way to write down all your wishes is to think about what you want to do, be and have. Don’t try to write HOW any of these wishes come true, just write down WHAT you want.

When you are done, go back and read each affirmation. As you read each one, close your eyes and see yourself enjoying that wish come true. Feel how it feels to live that reality. Enjoy the preview.

This is how life works. You are immensely powerful. The Bible and other sacred texts say you were created in the image and likeness of God. You are constantly creating your life, either on purpose or by accident, so claim your power and consciously decree what you want. Then close the notebook, and put it away. From time to time, you’ll know what you need to do to help your wishes manifest. Take action as you are inspired.

Over the next year, continue to use your notebook, to update it and to acknowledge when your wishes come to pass. As they will.

Happy New Year, my beloved friend!

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