Happy Today

I woke up this morning clear about one thing: This will be a happy day!

Here’s the deal. Yesterday my heart was bruised when an associate acted in an unpredictable and hurtful way, a way that left me holding the bag in public, dealing with a lot of unpleasantness. I got through it graciously. I feel good about having handled it well. I was even able to remind myself during the event, that everyone is doing the best they can in each moment. In terms of taking care of myself, lesson learned. I won’t be in that position again. But I’m not so evolved that the bruising is totally gone.

That was yesterday. I woke up this morning absolutely clear. I will be happy today! I will love myself today, and I will focus on all the beauty in my life.

So, there will be music. There will be yummy food. There will be a walk in nature. There will moving my body and stretching and a lovely hot tub. There will be pleasure in my work. There will be a nap, and an hour spent reading a good book. And tonight, there will be time with the people I love.

I believe we were created to be happy. Why do we long for love in our lives, and health, and peace? Why do we do good, and help others? All those desires are in service of our happiness.

I am happy, and I will allow nothing to take that away. Because after all, what is more precious to me?

3 thoughts on “Happy Today”

  1. Jillian:
    Your post today really resonated with me. A recent bit of unpleasantness left me feeling similar, and really questioning what I could have done to have changed the outcome. In the end, I suppose we have to accept that no matter how much we want to, we can only control our own behavior, and how we choose to let the actions of others affect us. Easier said than done!

    Thanks for the reminder that today is a new day, and there are lots of ways to find happiness in it. Your post has surely brought some to me!


  2. Thanks, Traci. It’s helpful to me to hear your experience, too. So glad you enjoyed the post!

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